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Hardwood Floor Refinishing by Royal Hardwood Floors

Royal Hardwood Floors in Ottawa, ON has been providing home and business owners throughout the community with high-quality hardwood floor refinishing services since 1922. As the area’s hardwood flooring leader, our knowledgeable and experienced contractors utilize the latest tools and techniques to help improve the look of your property’s floors. We understand the importance of having bright, beautiful hardwood floors. We’ve seen it throughout our nine decades of service, and our crew is always available to handle any size project – large or small. Contact us today to get started with a FREE consultation.

barefoot child on hardwood floors

Hardwood Floor Refinishing for Residential Customers

Your home’s hardwood floors can become dull, scratched, and dirty from years of abuse. Once the protective layer of coating wears off, you’ll notice more scratches and dents, which allows dirt to settle into your hardwood. However, installing new floors isn’t your only option. Royal Hardwood Floors offers hardwood floor refinishing services for residential customers. Most hardwood floors need to be refinished every seven to ten years. Whether you’re planning on moving and want to impress potential homebuyers, or you simply want to update the look of your home. We can refinish hardwood floors that have:

  • Sun Damage – If your home’s hardwood floors receive direct sunline for extended periods of time, they may become faded over the years.
  • Wear and Tear – Hardwood floors in high-traffic spaces in your home, such as in front of a door, may quickly become dull due to foot traffic, dirt, and water.
  • Gouges and Damage – Hardwood floors are extremely durable. However, they aren’t impervious. If your floor has been damaged and the protective coating has been worn thin, you may notice the rest of your floor around it begin to lose its luster.

What are the Benefits of Refinishing My Home’s Hardwood Floor?

Hardwood is a timeless flooring material that can last for decades with minimal daily maintenance. However, it’s important that you have your floors refinished at least every seven to ten years to keep them protected from permanent damage. There are a number of other reasons it’s important to choose a talented and knowledgeable hardwood flooring contractor to refinish your floors:

  • Sound Investment – Your home’s floors are one of its most essential features. Whether you’re entertaining friends and family or planning to sell, new hardwood floors add a stunning look to your home.
  • Money-Saving – Before you think about installing a new floor, speak with Royal Hardwood Floors. Installing a new floor is expensive and will interrupt your daily routine. No matter what your floors look like, our crew may be able to help save you money by refinishing them.
  • Extends the Life of Your Floors – When you choose us for your hardwood floor refinishing, we apply a seal coat that will protect your hardwood from water, dirt, and scratches.
  • Gorgeous-looking Floors – Choosing a professional for your hardwood refinishing will provide you with exceptional results that will last for years.

Hardwood Floor Refinishing for Commercial Customers

Whether you own a storefront, office building, or restaurant, it’s important that you make a great impression on your customers and employees. Refinishing your hardwood floors is a great way to positively impact the ambiance of our business. Royal Hardwood Floors provides commercial refinishing services for business owners throughout the area.

Hardwood Floor Refinishing in Ottawa, ON

Our Hardwood Refinishing Process

When you choose Royal Hardwood Floors for your hardwood refinishing, you can be certain that you’ll receive the very best service and care. We have decades of experience helping home and business owners refinish their hardwood floors. Our comprehensive refinishing process includes:

  • Preparing Your Floors – Once the furniture in the room is moved, we will make sure to prepare the room for sanding by covering vents and ensuring the rest of your home is unaffected by our work.
  • Dustless Sanding – As the leader in hardwood refinishing, we utilize the latest tools and technology, including a dustless sanding machine, which nearly eliminates the amount of dust caused by the refinishing process.
  • Apply the Wood Stain – One of the most exciting aspects of refinishing your home’s hardwood is choosing the wood stain finish. A new wood stain can completely transform your home. We offer a wide variety of wood stain colors.
  • Add the Finish – We’ll apply a high-quality wood finish that will help protect your floors from future damage while giving them a beautiful shine.

Choose a Professional Hardwood Floor Refinishing Contractor

When you need hardwood floor refinishing services for your home or business, contact the experts at Royal Hardwood Floors. We have decades of experience refinishing hardwood floors, and our team is licensed and equipped to handle any size project. We use high-quality products and materials and innovative tools to provide you with exceptional results. When your floors need the royal treatment, contact Royal Hardwood Floors for a FREE quote.

Have a Hardwood Floor Project? Book a Free Quotation.