Hardwood Floor Repair and Installation Services in Ottawa, ON
Hardwood Flooring Services
In each of our creations, we put care into every floor as if they were our own floors. It’s all the little details that make all the difference.

Specialty Woods
We are not a store and do not hold inventory, however our network has connections that were made two generations ago, hence our long lasting relationship gives us access to a unique offering. For each job, materials are ordered independently. We go pick them up, or have them delivered. We can have custom-made specialty cuts and quality rare woods that can’t be found in regular stores, and the delivery service we receive on custom-tailored orders is exclusive. We have access to a vast selection of classic woods: Maple, Oak, Cherry, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Ash, and Pine are the most common people choose. We can also provide other species such as exotic woods. Available widths: standard: 2¼”, 3¼”, 4¼”, or 5 inches. Custom-tailored specialty order: 1½”, 1¾”, 2″, 2½”, 2¾”, and other. As well as, stair steps and risers.

Our Dust Proof Equipment
We provide a pristine service and have quality dustless equipment. Especially when it comes to timing and tidiness our reputation is that of excellence. The brand we trust is American Sanders AVAC 26 dust containment system is specifically engineered for the wood floor sanding professional. This machine is quite exceptional. This powerful vacuum features a large 26 gallon capacity that provides superior filtration. The AVAC 26 is compact and easy to transport with a convenient handle for lifting. Offering powerful suction and filtration capabilities for ultimate performance in a compact design, the AVAC 26 is the vacuum of choice in the sanding market.